Sunday, January 31, 2016

Trump vs. Cruz by Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex

Throughout the presidential campaign, candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have been insulting each other trying to strengthen their campaign. On Sunday Ted Cruz claimed that "A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Obamacare". Trump retaliated by calling Cruz "a total liar". Recently Trump has pulled ahead of Cruz in Iowa, mainly focusing on Cruz's Canadian roots. Cruz accused Trump of supporting "socialized medicine for every American" and connected his position on health care to presidential candidate Hilary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

I think it's sad that the candidates have to insult each other in order to feel in control. Politics have really gone down hill. If Cruz and Trump can't act like adults while running for President, why would they be good in office?


  1. I feel as if both of these candidate are radical and unreasonable

  2. I'm sure the tension between the two of them is even greater now that Cruz has won the Iowa Caucus. --Claudia Anthony
