Monday, January 25, 2016

Darby McMahon Pd#9 Sarah Palin and Donald Trump back at it

At the first big GOP campaign bash Donald and Sarah took the stage, in the Iowa campaign event Sarah Palin announced she was endorsing Donald Trump. They are more around the reality show end of the political spectrum, but they sure know how to get attention. Sarah Palin went on a crazy rant that virtually no one understood and made sure to talk up Donald. The question is raised whether or not she will run for president, although most are praying she does not.  In other news this could  not be better for democrats.
Source: CNN trump and palin
I saw her speech and i am actually still wondering if she was being serious. Her rant was completely
crazy and did nothing to help their cause. I am hoping that she does keep endorsing Donald Trump though, because this could give the democrats a huge leg up. This article was written by Stephen Collinson, CNN, and he did a very good job of summing up the speech and telling people of the effects and what this all means. It has been a while since we have seen Sarah Palin out in the spotlight and I for one am so glad she decided to "help" Donald Trump. This can only mean good steps towards not having him as our next president.


  1. Agreed, I saw the speech and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Its flabbergasting to imagine that she was actually being serious.

  2. I heard about it and it seemed pretty crazy to me, I had no idea what to think... I just hope that this might bring to light some circumstances behind the more conservative who speak their mind during a time when conservative is not the majority.

  3. Nice topic! I didn't see her rant but i bet it was funny
