Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Trump Skipping GOP Debate (Bella Di Fazio pd:8)

Trump has stated that he will miss the upcoming GOP debate on Fox mainly due to the reason of the feud between him and the Fox network treatment towards him. Instead of attending the debate, Trump has decided to host an event in Iowa to raise money for wounded warriors and veterans.

This in a way is kind of a strategic move to skip the debate because if Fox gets on to him they'll be painted as the bad guy for trying to disrupt his fundraiser. However, skipping an important debate like this is crucial to his campaign. (Don't get me wrong, him failing would be very nice.) Also, Trump thinks people should grow up because being politically correct isn't important to him, but then throws a fit when he can't get his way.

In a way, Trump is kind of like the big political bosses during the Gilded Age where they are super rich but also highly problematic but have good strategies of covering up their flaws to make them look more like respectable businessmen.



  1. At this point, I honestly do not know what to say about Trump. In my opinion, he is crazy, but I do admire that he sticks to who he is and does not apologize for it. That being said, I think he would not be a good candidate for president and this story shows it. Imagine him having a meeting with a foreign ambassador and then deciding to drop out last minute because they "have a feud." It would be awful.

  2. I agree with your analogy about the Gilded Age. Political bosses gained the dependence of immigrants by finding them jobs and shelters. It seems like Donald Trump is fluffing his image too by doing the fundraiser for war veterans.
