Thursday, January 28, 2016

Drug Abuse is to Blame for the Rise of hep. B in 3 States-Nicholas Watson, 9th

   Three states have seen a huge increase in the liver infection known as hepatitis B, which is to be blamed for the increase in the abuse of injection drugs. The research released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday found that the disease soared 114% in Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia from years 2009-2013. The use of injection drugs were the main factors in a third of those cases. Surprisingly many people aren't surprised at this spike in the disease because of the fact that 9/10 people who are abusing these drugs and doing it by the method of injection (in many cases the needles that they use are usually dirty, which increases the chance of obtaining the virus). In many scenarios many researchers are scared that this spike could foreshadow a bigger national problem. In response many states are establishing training programs and have boosted campaign awareness campaigns and education for health care providers.

   Although America has always battled with the abuse and heavy consumption of drugs and narcotics, I have noticed that recently a surge of cases dealing with abusers and new drugs being made, are forming in America. This is scary because as the youth of America becomes more exposed to these drugs, we will most likely see a spike in the consumption of dugs in youth. This would be an extremely dangerous situation because, now days with all of the new ways and things drugs are being made with, it makes the consumption of any drug a lot more dangerous due to the lack of knowledge those consumers have about the origin and ingredients of those drugs. To battle back against this serious problem I think the establishment of new rehab centers and increased efforts to stop these major drug distributers are going to be a major key in stopping the amount od drugs being taken, therefore decreasing how many people are hospitalized and die from these drugs. The government, communities, schools and public centers must also make it a priority to really counterattack the popularity of these drugs within are youth and help steer us in the right direction. This situation resembles times in the past where new and dangerous drugs have consumed Americans, creating a dangerous situation for those who become addicted to them.  


  1. It is definitely very saddening to see how heavily drugs are affecting our generation today. This problem should be nipped at the bud immediately!!

  2. I never really realized how many people inject drugs in such a way. I'm just glad that our nation is taking precautions by boosting campaign awareness.
    Tea Perez 1st period
