Sunday, January 24, 2016

Nicholas Godfrey Period 8: Malaysia Plane Debris off the Coast of Thailand??

Summary: A man-sized piece of metal was found off of the coast of Thailand. It is thought to be a part of the Malaysian Airlines flight that went off the grid almost two years ago. The markings on the piece of metal and the hinges match that of the plane that went down. Officials are telling everybody to not jump to conclusions as to not cause more grief for the families of those that were lost. An air official from Thailand says that the metal looks like it came from a commercial jet. That official says that its just speculation since all that they have seen is photos of it and will need to see it in person to fully determine what it is from.

Analysis: I think that this is totally weird. A few months ago, they found wreckage that was from this plane that was in Africa. Now they might have found some in Thailand? Something is weird here because those two places are thousands of miles away. I know its been two years but its strange that the wreckage would go in two separate directions and that far away from each other. Will we ever truly know what happened to that flight? Its been two years now and we still know basically nothing about what happened. I really hope that this wreckage though so maybe we can figure out more about what happened to this plane that just vanished. Its good that in the current time we have great communication between countries so that we can investigate into events like these. This is like the lost colony of Roanoke. A man left the colony and comes back to see the town deserted and the word "CROATOAN" scrawled on a piece of wood. They had no way to figure out what happened and now neither do we since it was so long ago. This shows us that sadly, some mysteries remain mysteries.


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