Monday, January 25, 2016

People who made Planned Parenthood video found guilty - Kate Fehan 8th Period

The jury that has been investigating the video accusing Planned Parenthood of misconduct has declared Planned Parenthood innocent. Not only are they cleared of all accusations, but the people who made the video have been charged with tampering with a government record and illegally offering to buy human organs. The video that showed "evidence" that Planned Parenthood was illegally selling organs has started a huge fight to close Planned Parenthood buildings all over the country. Now that the basis of the whole argument has been proven a fake, hopefully, politicians will let it rest. That probably won't happen, seeing as they started the fight with no real evidence anyway.

A lot of the press surrounding this issue is similar to yellow journalism in the late 1800s. Facts were changed to stir the public into a frenzy about the Spanish's treatment of Cubans to get support for the Spanish-American War. Just like in this case, things were often exaggerated or completely made up to manipulate the public.


  1. Good synthesis of your article, i can see how these two relate!

  2. Brenna Hale(6th Period)
    Great comparison to yellow journalism. I think the group that leaked the alleged video took a step to far. Even if you disagree with another's values and practices doesn't mean you should frame them with a tampered video.

  3. That is so interesting how you compared it to yellow journalism. It seems like nothing that you read or see in the news these days is true.
