Sunday, January 31, 2016

America's Voting System// Arianna Sotero

This CNN article discusses the long and difficult road presidential candidates take to earn the big seat at the white house. But, it also discusses how the people vote, how much elections cost, and why they last so long. It's more than just whatever candidate earns the most votes. In this article you see the top Democratic candidates (Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders) and the top Republican candidates (Donald Trump, Ted Cruz). The general election will occur on November 8, 2016.

Although today's voting process is very complicated and prolonged, much different than it was when elections first began, certain rules and techniques still remain intact. For instance, instead of selecting a president based on how many votes they receive, the Founding Fathers established what's called the electoral college. Each state gets the same number of electors as it has Congressman and Senators, and the bigger the state, the more electors it has. In all but two states, Maine and Nebraska, it's a winner-take-all system. In the end, whoever receives 270 Electoral College votes or more wins (ties and recounts excluded). Overall, America's voting process is crazy and in disarray.

Click here to learn more about the elections.

1 comment:

  1. Voting is so important for the future of America. Hopefully, the US will make a safe decision this coming election.

    Shara Jeyarajah
