Monday, September 23, 2013

President Obama Speaks at Navy Yard Memorial (Tyra Harris 5th period)

U.S. President Barack Obama hugs a family member of a victim slain in the Washington Navy Yard shooting during a memorial service in Washington, September 22, 2013. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

Summary: Yesterday on September 22, the President delivered the eulogy at the memorial service for twelve workers killed at the Washington Navy Yard. Obama called for the country to make mental health treatment more available as Aaron Alexis, the shooter was a mentally unstable. This is Obama's fifth time in his presidency in which he has spoken at a memorial for victims of a mass shooting. Earlier this year, he proposed stricter gun laws to Congress and it was rejected. 

Analysis: This is yet another unfortunate occurrence of violence that has rocked the nation. I can vividly remember the Newtown, shooting, Aurora, CO shooting, Boston Marathon bombing,  and the Virginia Tech shooting. These have all happened within the last six years. The president has repeatedly been asking Congress to pass laws that require background checks when purchasing certain weapons and even prohibiting the sale of assault weapons. However, I don't believe stricter weapon laws will solve our nation's present love affair violence. The state of Illinois has some of the strictest gun control laws in the country, yet Chicago is the murder capital of the U.S. and most of the crimes committed are with the regular hand gun. In the 1920s, the government "prohibited" the sale and consumption of alcohol, but that only made the people smuggle and bootleg more liquor than what they had previously drank before it was illegal. Our constitution grants us the right to bear arms, period. It doesn't say you only have that right if you have gun license or pass a background check, but plainly that every citizen has that right. America will only stop her crazed violent outbursts unless the mindset of the people change. When our morals and ethical values shift to the light, our president will no longer be entitled to frequently giving memorial speeches for the loved ones of the innocent.

Tyra Harris 5th period

1 comment:

  1. It's so sad how many times the President has had to speak at these types of memorial services. I do understand what you're saying about the gun laws and how stricter laws will only cause more people to break them. I think if Congress can come up with a more balanced version of the gun control laws, everyone will be happier and safer.
