Monday, September 30, 2013

Kyla Cakarnis Current Event

"The U.S. Government Closed for Business?"

This is an article about the potential government shutdown. The Senate rejected a possible solution to prevent the possible government shutdown. This bill would have delayed Obamacare, the "affordable healthcare act", for a year. As the deadline approaches, midnight on October 1st, little is being done to prevent it. The Republicans do not want to abandon their bill, while supporters of Obamacare do not want to abandon theirs. President Obama does not want the shutdown to occur either claiming it could endanger not only United States economy, but the world's economy. The shutdown does not only effect the economy, it effects most government workers, national parks, and government museums. Not all government programs would be effected but those that are will feel the results.

I think not all possibilities have been explored. Ironically, Obamacare will go in to effect October 1st, regardless of whats decided about the shutdown. Also, i think some programs and workers not being affected could be. For example, the president and Congress are not affected but are the ones ultimately making this decision. If they were affected, i think they would consider other options more throughly. While I do think the continuation of unemployment, social security, and Medicare benefits is good, its not sufficient.


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