Monday, September 23, 2013

Chicago becoming murder captial of the U.S. Meg Mickelsen

Last Thursday, 13 people were shot and wounded at Cornell Square Park.  A three year old boy was one of those in critical condition, after being shot in the face.  Several other minors between ages fifteen and seventeen were hurt.  The police suspect two gunmen armed with an assault-style weapon and believe the crime to be gang related.  Several of the victims shot were also gang members.  10 ambulances were required to take victims to the hospital.  In 2012 Chicago saw 506 murders, compared with New York's 419.  New York has a population thrice as big.  Another recent murder in Chicago was that of Hadiya Pendleton, at age 15.  She was murdered a few days after performing at the presidential inauguration.  I found this information at  It was a straightforward, well-written, and unbiased article.  I found the content extremely sobering.  Chicago is  a capital of art and culture, but these recent murders suggest it is also one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S.  The murders at Cornell Square Park are horrific, yet all to common.  I greatly hope that this dark trend soon subsides.

1 comment:

  1. Over the years I have heard that Chicago is one of the leading cities in murders &' honestly I would have thought that the crime rates would have decreased but it disappoints me that it hasn't..
    -Heather L. Harris 1st
