Monday, September 30, 2013

Shark Feast - Zien Lin (P4)

Summary: This past Sunday off the Californian port, Ventura, boaters delivering passengers between the islands in Channel Islands National Park and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary saw a group of at least 3 great white sharks and at least 12 blue sharks feasting on the carcass of a minke whale that will feed them for days or possibly even weeks.

Analysis: What luck all those people have to be able to witness and film such a rare occurrence especially when the water is calm and clear and the weather is nice.



  1. How cool. I hope some one took photos

  2. That sounds amazing! Its rare to get footage of these events from my knowledge. This was certainly a stroke of luck for the people that were able to witness the event.

  3. Wow, this is so cool! I wonder how they got the opportunity! Do you know?

    1. They were transporting people between the islands of a Californian national park when along the way they came across the dead body of a minke whale and saw all those sharks eating it

  4. Too cool but also really scary. Good news to know that at least the foodchain is working even though our government isn't!

  5. That would have been horrifying to witness, but also pretty cool. Sharks are so fascinating.
