Monday, September 30, 2013

Apple by: Taylor Grant-Gates

Apple passes Coke as world's 'top brand'

A new report shows that Apple, a brand that most of us a BTW know about, has passed Coca-Cola in being the worlds top brand.

Honestly this news doesn't surprise me much. We can so plainly see the effect that Apple products have over our daily lives as it is. Look at BTW for example, wears pretty much Apple planet. Not only do we have the IPhones, we have the MacBooks, and the IPods. 

I have to be a little more honest than I put on before....I actually was a little surprised! Well I was then again I am not. Apple is definitely top in America, but to say that it is top in the whole world, that is saying a lot.

I am sure that the people that Work for Apple are pleased with the results, and I am sure that Steve Jobs, wherever he may be is smiling on his success, and the legacy that continues to live on today!


  1. That's very interesting to be due to the fact that, up until the first IPhone came out in the early 2000's, Apple Computers was actually about to go bankrupt. Their computers were not selling as well as the PC's, compared to Coca Cola, who was been a staple in American life for over a hundred years.

  2. oh my gosh that's awesome! My family has been a supporter of Apple since the iBook, which most people don't even know about. I am so happy to know that a brand that I know and trust, is starting to go down in history. (once again)
