Sunday, September 29, 2013

killer hornets

Since July 1st, 583 people in China's central Shaanxi province have been stung by hornets. 19 of them have been stung to death. One man was attacked by a swarm while harvesting rice. They chased him for more than 200 meters and stung him for over 3 minutes. The hornets first swarmed a woman and her child working nearby and then moved on to him. The woman and child died later from the hornet's toxins. Another victim, whose kidneys were so destroyed by the venom that his urine was "the color of soy sauce," said that the more you run, the more the hornets want to chase you. Earlier this month, a swarm of hornets attacked a class of about 23 students. The teacher attempted to drive the hornets away and told his students to hide under their desks before he lost consciousness. The Asian killer hornet is the suspected insect in the incidents. The venom from these hornets is so powerful that it can dissolve human tissue. The city has established a 24 hour emergency hornet response team.
There's really no analysis I can give of this current event other than the fact that I'm now too terrified to actually step outside. I hate bees, I hate wasps, I hate hornets, I hate anything with a stinger. Being stung to death by a swarm of killer hornets is probably my number one most terrifying way to die. I can't believe that this is an actual real problem, not just something that's in my nightmares. There's a need for a 24-hour hornet response team for hornets that can literally dissolve parts of you. This is the kind of thing I think about when I see a wasp but reassure myself of my safety by telling myself that things like that aren't true, they only exist in the Hunger Games. Except in Shaanxi China, things like this are true.


  1. o_O WHAT IS THIS???!!! This is like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" - except it's real & it's hornets!! I've never heard of anything like this before - I just can't even imagine how terrifying this must be...hopefully they will get this under control and help the people who have been harmed.....jeepers.....

    -Hannah Selby, Period 4

  2. Well I now assume when you see stingers you scream and run away??
    If so or if not just remember the saying "They're more afraid of you then you are of them."
    Keep still and act calm because fast motions and fast sound wave vibrations will only send them into a panic too. Making the probability of being stung a higher chance.
