Sunday, September 29, 2013

Beka Canfield: family shooting
A shooting in Pennsylvania on Friday night was reportedly the result of a daughter's longstanding hatred towards her family. The girl was disowned by her parents when she was 20 after she and her boyfriend trashed the parents' house. For whatever reason, the daughter felt compelled to return to the Pennsylvania home with a boyfriend (?) on Friday night where she proceeded to shoot her mother and her brother, killing them both. When her father returned to see his wife and son dead he shot both intruders.

How could you hate your own family enough to kill them? That's 3 family members dead over a family feud... This article mentioned the daughter having handicaps that restricted her from getting a job, how and if those factored into this situation I don't know.


  1. Tyra Harris

    Wow that's pretty crazy. Families should work out their issues way before it escalates to this. However, the father had every right to shoot the intruders, even if one of them is her daughter, as they are trespassing on his private property. Do you know why she trashed their home? And was the boyfriend that assisted her in the killings the same bf who trashed the parents home with them?

  2. That's awful! I can't imagine being in a situation where I was that upset with my family. Events like this are truly terrible; I hope things like this stop being prevalent in our society.

  3. This is so horrible! It makes me sick at heart that some people become so mentally and emotionally lost/broken down/corrupt that they are capable of doing such awful, grievous deeds. Now the poor dad has lost everything. I really wish society wasn't so corrupt and morbid these days - it's frightening!

    -Hannah Selby, Period 4
