Monday, September 30, 2013

Zane Mallett - 5th - More Balloons!

Summary: NASA has decided to send a balloon up in space to get a view at an anticipated comet. They wanted to do this because they wanted to quickly get up into space with something that was low on cost and that was relatively simple (as apposed to something like a rocket or rover.) The balloon is expected the last around 10 hours after reaching it's maximum height of 120,000 feet above the earth. The launch is expected to be at around 9 am on Saturday. Comet ISON is already nearing Mars and will soon be near the earth and visible during the early weeks of the new year.

Analysis: I think this method to studying the comet is great. It saves money, it gives us a head start and it tests a new method of exploring space. It's great to see new and innovative ways to explore space. It proves that the they're not a total waste of money. Hopefully NASA will come up with more frugal attempts to study space.


Zane Mallett, 5th Period.

P.S. (The Title is referring to my last current event about the man who attempted to cross the atlantic using balloons.)


  1. That's amazing with what NASA comes up with! What a neat, convenient, cost effective solution

  2. I think it's great that NASA is coming up with less expensive ways to conduct research. I hope everything goes according to plan!
