Monday, September 23, 2013

A beacon illuminates a key Alzheimer's protein (Haley Hill, 4th period)

A beacon illuminates a key Alzheimer's protein
By Laura Sanders, for Science News


   Recent studies show that a beacon can illuminate hidden signs of Alzheimer's in deteriorating brains. Scientists have working on detecting amyloid, a sticky substance that forms in the brains of Alzheimer's patients' brains. Now, doctors can see a 'co-conspirator' of the amyloid; the protein tau. Tangles of the protein build up in brains of people who have Alzheimer's and other dementia related diseases.
   Earlier this month scientists reported that molecules can latch onto the protein tau. When they are connected to radioactive carbons they light up on PET scans and create a beacon which is visible on these tests.

   This is amazing to me that our technology has come so far in such a short time. With this advanced technology doctors can now see Alzheimer's in patient's brains progress. With this step forward we could be closer to solving a cure for this disease and many other dementia related diseases.


  1. This is really exciting. I love science! Thank you for posting such happy news.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this! Early diagnosis is key, even in just preparing for and knowing what is about to come. Even though there isn't a cure yet, it still sure is helpful.

  3. Finally a post that isn't so melancholy! Science is getting so close to cure for this disease, maybe it will even come in our lifetime. Fingers crossed.
