Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cannibal Boys - Jasmine Easter http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/20/us/teens-attack-mom-spokane/index.html?hpt=us_c2

     This Article truly show what drugs can do to you. Two boys (one 13 and the other 14) beat down a woman on Friday with the back of a play sword. The woman was the mother of the 13 year old. After authorities got custody of the boys they claimed that their original intentions were to "open her up and eat her liver ". The boys also stole the 14 year old's dad's car and broke into a local store, only to be stopped fleeing the crime by a state trooper. Later that day the boys said they had taken some "blue pills" and would never have done any of that stuff sober. Although this seems pretty likely no evidence of any pills were found. The 13 year old was oven shocked to hear his mother was hurt, whom is in stable condition at the local hospital.

     I don't think that the boys would have done these crimes without being under the influence of something. Just because you didn't find pills doesn't mean they didn't take them. This was such an unusual crime to read about it is almost hard to believe. This is one of the main reasons teens or anyone shouldn't experiment with drugs especially not strong hallucinogens. This situation could have turned out so much worst and the boys should be thankful no one was killed. I really hope they learned a lesson and will change their ways.


  1. This story is sad and horrifying at the same time. I do agree with you, though. The boys had to have been on something in order to do all that. It doesn't sound like an everyday occurrence.

  2. This story is sad and horrifying at the same time. I do agree with you, though. The boys had to have been on something in order to do all that. It doesn't sound like an everyday occurrence.

  3. I agree with you and Claire. I think it's very unlikely that you would want to eat your mother's liver (or anyone's liver for that matter) unless you were under the influence of something. But on the other hand, it's very rare that you hear of these kinds of crazy drug stories. How is it possible that these young boys could even acquire such a drug that causes cannibalistic thoughts as well as memory loss?

  4. I think the boys are lying, if they had the intention of eating her liver while under the influence of hallucinogenics, they would have done it immediately after striking her. I think they are lying to get a lesser charge and sentence against them for their crimes. Since "blue pills" are commonly blue dolphins and those aren't hallucinogenic, there's no way the boys could've gotten a hold of such a rare and expensive drug without paying for it or knowing what it was.

  5. Zane Mallett - 5th

    This is truly heartbreaking, I can't imagine what would possess a person, let alone a teenager to beat down their own mother. I don't believe they were on drugs, they were probably just joking around and being idiots.

  6. I hope this serves as a lesson to all, not to experiment with drugs of this type. I don't believe it is my place whether to say if they were or not influenced by some kind of drug. It seems like they were, but since I don't know them as people I can't rule out them just messing around either.

  7. This is a very disturbing story... It's another good reason not to do drugs, as this sounds similar to those "Bath Salt" cases. It's possible that they were just messing around, but I would hope that people wouldn't go to that sort of extreme without some sort of chemical influencing them.
