Sunday, September 29, 2013

Madison Ceurter 5th Period: Miss Teen USA: Screamed upon learning she was 'sextortion' victim

Miss Teen USA Cassidy Wolf's computer was hacked by a 19 year old boy named Jared James Abrahams.  He is a computer science student who took nude images of Cassidy on her webcam and was blackmailing her.  Cassidy noticed that she was being hacked after she got a Facebook notification that someone else logged into her account.  Jared emailed Cassidy two photos of her nude and a message that said "Either you do one of the things listed below or I upload these pics and a lot more (I have a LOT more and those are better quality) on all your accounts for everybody to see.."  After this started to keep happening the FBI got involved and got a search warrant for Jared's home.  They found that he had done this to eight other women.  Jared was put in jail for 6 years for 'sextortion scheme'.  Everyone has to be very careful with their cameras on their computers and phones or any type of technology because you never know what could get on the internet or if someone could hack into your system.  Never do something on camera that you wouldn't want anyone to see because now days it could get out to everyone.  It is also smart to change your passwords or to make them very difficult so no one can ever figure it out.  Technology these days is very scary and everyone needs to be very careful on how they use it.

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