Monday, September 30, 2013

Carsin Ablon, 1st Period:Obama: Government shutdown 'entirely preventable' if House GOP drops demands

In a recent press conference regarding the possible government shutdown due to congress's inability to finalize a plan regarding the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, President Obama obstinately voiced his high demands as congress rapidly attempts to create closer with eleven hours before a default shutdown. President Obama matched the congress's suborn republicans with suborn democrats as he announced that "No matter what Congress decides to do today, the Affordable Care Act is moving forward." President Obama argued that by shutting down the government, the "fragile" economic recovery plan would be setback or at least greatly hindered, making it over all irresponsible and eliminating even a short shut down from congress's options. Meanwhile, Obama's cabinet members argue that the Senate's previous passing of Obamacare should be enough of a reason to follow through with the in-motion plan. Although the White House has claimed to be open to working with the republican party to polish the Obamacare bill, both parties have remained reluctant with indirect threats of vetoing each others moves. 

I find this article to be a perfect example of the broken, twisted intentions of the people who run our country's capital. By continuing an ongoing stubborn debacle, the two major political parties have consciously decided to let existing problems in their shared country, linger without any effective plan to mend any caused damage. Although some say the speculated governmental shut down will not drastically effect anybody, I find that the established stubbornness in D.C. may exacerbate the expected harm of a shut down while exampling the flawed governmental system. Personally, I fear that this article shows that the governing system has forgotten that they exist to serve the people and instead have begun a somewhat of an internal Mexican Standoff  over the opinionated right or wrong options, leaving the country somewhat paralyzed. 

To read more, see:

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