Sunday, November 23, 2014

Was mental illness Blaec Lammers' only crime? : Vivie Behrens (Period 6, Week 3)

     Blaec Lammers, a person enduring many mental disabilities including autism, personality disorders, and dyslexia, was sentenced to prison for 15 years. His mother, Tricia Lammers, was sorting through his laundry when she found a receipt from Walmart showing that Blaec had purchased two assault weapons. Concerned that Blaec might harm himself (but not at all worried that he may harm others), Tricia Lammers called the police. Over the years, Blaec saw multiple psychiatrists and mental professionals, who all agreed that Blaec was harmless and was a "model patient." However, prosecutors said that Blaec was conspiring to murder others at a Twilight movie that Blaec mentioned during questioning. Blaec mentioned having homicidal thoughts, but his actions did not show that he had any evidence proving that he was staging an assault.
     Blaec's parents say that Blaec's only crime was mental illness and he should not have been imprisoned. I agree; Blaec never showed any intention to kill another person; he only professed having occasional homicidal or suicidal thoughts as a child. This case is similar to the reforms of the Antebellum Age such as the prison and asylum reform, led by Dorothea Dix. Dix argued that mental patients should not suffer, like Blaec Lammer's has. Lammers only fault was mental illness, which is not an attribute that should yield 15 years in prison.


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