Monday, November 17, 2014

Shades of Gray -Hadassah Lai

Stefannie Wheat carries a sign that says "I Love Ferguson" on the streets in Ferguson, Missouri. Recently an 18 year old black teenager has been shot and killed on the streets in this town. Ferguson has been struggling with racism and police brutality for many years. They still condemn the colored and those associated with them. Wheat is married to a black man and has an adopted black son from a foster home. Many times, insults and profanities have been hurled towards their biracial family.Wheat has tried to raise her son with the viewpoint of everyone is equal. However, her son has seen way too many racial violence and police brutality. Wheat and her family has never been to downtown appearing like a biracial family. They are afraid to be harassed and hunted down in their own home.

I think that this is horrible. Racism and segregation has played very big roles in our history. It is an ugly part of America, and we should have learned from all the lessons in the past. How horrifying it must be for colored people to live in places like this, to face this kind of treatment in their own home. People to need to mature and realize the fact that different color does not mean a different person.



  1. It's terrible how they're afraid in there own community, and to think we'd come so far from that as a nation, but I guess not everywhere. :/
    - Hannah Kalan 6th period

  2. The fact that this is still an issue today is so sad. Hopefully we will all just stop splitting people up based on physical qualities.
