Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Gay Couples Not Allowed in Homeless Shelter: Margaret Canady 2nd Period

  At City Union Mission, a homeless shelter in Kansas City, Missouri, legally married same-sex couples will not be allowed to sleep together. Many are questioning the charity's policy.
  For the 90 years the shelter has been serving the homeless, their policy has been maintained: only legally wedded couples are allowed to stay together in the same room. Now that same-sex marriage is legal in certain states and counties, the shelter has decided to change its policy to only stand for traditional marriages; same-sex couples have to either split up or go to a different shelter.
  Executive Director Dan Doty of the charity says, "We are not hateful people. We are not bigots. We believe what the Bible teaches. We still care for people and shelter people." Others members of the city hope City Union Mission will reconsider and be more accepting, regardless of sexual preference.

  This is just another example of discrimination faced by same-sex couples. The LGBT debate has been an issue because it "goes against" several religions. In our country, we take pride in the freedoms assured in our Constitution; among them including freedom of religion, and the idea that "all men are created equal". In my opinion, we must first protect and respect equality between all people, regardless of gender, race, sexual preference, etc. In addition, I don't see how LGBT couples necessarily invade on the freedom of religion?

Source: http://www.kctv5.com/story/27405257/kansas-city-shelter-wont-house-gay-couples?hpt=us_bn9


  1. It makes me angry that they're letting their religious beliefs get in the way of helping those who need it.

  2. Yes I completely agree. If someone has a problem with LGBT for whatever reason they need to stop trying to put an end to it because there are always going to be gay people and I think it's important that our country takes a stance for those that believe in LGBT and make it acceptable.

  3. This is a problem that will continue globally. Unfortunately what we have opinionated is not enough. one day someone will change the view of everyone and make this world a better place.

  4. It's upsetting to see that Americans who have freedoms aren't taking it upon themselves to aid those who have basically been robbed of their right to marry. Regardless of what the Bible says about gays, the Bible preaches constantly that acceptance is the key to end all wars. The resistance against the gays is a war and acceptance, love, and compassion for them can resolve it. I always think of the Civil Rights Movement and how even today, there are 29 states that give businesses the RIGHT to refuse service to gay people and I realize that things are not much different. It's depressing and not in our character as a free country. (Elizabeth Muscari p6)

  5. These people are having their freedoms taken away obviously because of the opinions of whoever is running that particular shelter. Its sad because these people are already disadvantaged and they don't even get the comfort of being near their significant other.
