Sunday, November 23, 2014

Move over, Barbie! Make room for 'average' Lammily doll- Ausia Jones

          A 26-year-old toy maker, Nickolay Lamm, created a doll with "real" proportions was crowd-funded in 24 hours. Nickolay Lamm majored in marketing and was not expecting to be making Barbie’s as a career. Lamm was the first to make Barbie real. His motto is average is beautiful and he definitely created the average 19 year old based on CDC data. The doll is shorter, broader, healthy, and active. Being subject to such high beauty standards this is a huge change in societies view of beauty. The initial version of the doll was an art project of sorts, with Lamm creating a model of the average woman and doing a side-by-side comparison with Barbie. He raised nearly $100,000 in a single day, and within 30 days he had raised more than $500,000. Now the Lammily doll is ready to make her debut, complete with a sticker pack that features pimples, moles, cellulite and scars that can be applied. The dolls come with a numbered passport that allows you to name the doll. Lamm said the company website will eventually include a database where people can register the name of their doll. Mattel did not return a telephone call from CNN seeking comment about the doll.


1 comment:

  1. This doll is a good reinforcement to people that the "Barbie" figure that some strive to achieve is unrealistic.
