Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Holidays ( Ashton Garcia 2nd )

Of course, even though holidays are for high spirits and happiness, more schemes are created and very desperate. One scheme, although maybe an Urban Legend, is: a driver will get in their car from a store, only to see an 100$ Bill on their windshield. When they go to get it, someone sneaks into their car to steal it. Which, does seem far fetched, but could, honestly, happen. Another scheme that HAS happened before, is when someone will peel off some of their paint on their car. They wait for the person parked next to them to come to their car. The one who peeled their paint will ask to help fix the damage, usually getting about 200$, more or less. After they separate, the person who paid usually realizes that what they did was a scheme. This has been reported many times.
Happy Holidays.

People have been scheming others for years and years. False deals have been made, like when people knew Joan of Arc was illiterate, and Max's her sign something saying it would get her out of jail, neglecting to tell her that she would be burned to death. So it seemed like a tight deal, signing something she couldn't read, but getting out of jail, only to realize later that wasn't the case. That may sound like reaching, but there are many other examples of things that have the same behavior and similar patterns. Heck, stuff like this happens every day, and has been for quite some time.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and it is truly sad to see how little people care for one another, it's like hey im a human and so are you lets just get along...
