Monday, November 24, 2014

Grand Jury reaches verdict regarding Darren Wilson - Madison Escano

On Monday, a grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for shooting and killing Michael Brown nearly four months ago on August 5. Brown was unarmed at the time of his death, which led to a series of protests in the Missouri town for weeks following. It only took minutes before crowds began to protest the decision, with a few taunting police, breaking windows, and vandalizing vehicles. Several gunshots rang in the town as well. Prosecutor Bob McCulloch stated that the jury of 12 met on 25 separate days and heard over 70 hours worth of testimony from around 60 witnesses, as well examined several pieces of evidence. McCulloch maintained that the jurors were the only ones who heard every witness and saw every piece of evidence.

Needless to say, this decision will be circulating in the news for weeks. The fight for justice for Michael Brown isn't over. Race plays too much of a role regarding coverage and handling of this event and it's disgusting, really. The fact is that this young man was fatally shot while he was unarmed, and there shouldn't be any kind of questioning as to why he didn't deserve this. Another event similar to this one is the Trayvon Martin case. Although it took place in recent history, it still relates to our nation's image and judicial system as a whole. 

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