Monday, November 24, 2014

Violence on Ferguson Streets- Joe Katinas

Tonight in Clayton, Missouri, the prosecutor for the Michael Brown Shooting case announced that the grand jury has decided not to indict or charge the officer that shot him, Darren Wilson. After much waiting and protesting since August in Ferguson, the announcement was made tonight as protesters stood outside the police station of the city.
Once the prosecutor, Robert McCulloh announced the decision, there was violent protesting almost immediately in Ferguson.
Michael Brown's family, repeatedly since the shooting, has asked protestors not to protest violently but rather peacefully as their son would've wanted.
President Obama also spoke on the issue shortly afterward. Stating that this problem wouldn't be solved with violence against the police, he tried to prevent the protests that were just beginning as the people used bottles and bricks and broke windows.
But now the situation has grown much worse. Tear gas is being thrown at the citizens from police as a result of them setting fire to police cars. One woman had a heart attack due to this and another told news reporters this on live tv. Gunshots have even been fired and people are getting arrested now. Even public stores that belong to the people of Ferguson are being looted.
The police have been very ruthless and have thrown beanbags as well as way too much tear gas. A woman who was being carried back due to being wounded was also reportedly gassed. The media has been covering all of this and throughout they've been told by police to leave areas and were even gassed at once.
Now, a Little Ceaser's has caught fire and protestors are starting to block the highway.

This is event is so shocking to me. I'm still watching this on tv as I write this. I've never seen anything like else. I'm surprised that Wilson wasn't charged at all. I completely support peaceful protests and agree that the police force of Ferguson is awful. But like Obama and Michael's family, I think this violence is going on too far. I hope we find justice for Michael Brown's death peacefully. This reminds me of several times in history where a announcement or an asassination led to a conflict or rebellion, such as Arch Duke Ferdinand's death and World War I, Abraham Lincoln becoming president and the start of the Civil War and Martin Luther King Jr.'s death and an escalation in the Civil Rights Movement.

More on the article can be found here:


  1. I was so shocked to hear the ruling. Somewhat. And I saw pictures on the internet of people's reactions and I can only pray that peace will eventually come.

  2. This is a very shocking ruling, there was a video posted recently that expressed the reactions of the people which can only make you feel something hopeful for those. Hopeful that everything will turn around soon and turn out good, but we are living in a pretty crazy world these days.
