Monday, November 17, 2014

Child Sex Crime at Dade Middle School (Jazmin Garcia-2nd Period)

Last week, a complaint was made by a student's mother from Dade Middle School of a sex crime that a teacher may have committed to her daughter. Accusations have been made against 2 male teachers. A mother says her daughter became the first victim last Wednesday. "He rubbed his private area against my daughter's butt. The first thing I asked, 'Do you feel like it was an accident?" The mother said her daughter never heard an apology or an 'excuse me' so she felt like it was on purpose. After going to the district Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday, the mother went to the district police to see what was going on. The accused teacher stayed home for 2 days but was back to school on Tuesday. Another mother, Maria Prophetessking, said her daughter witnessed the alleged assault and how the little girl saw him (the teacher) froze up, and began to cry. Prophetessking's daughter became a victim as well. Another teacher told Prophetesskin's daughter "oh, you look so beautiful...make it rain, trick." while throwing papers at her that he originally had in his hand. Both girls were questioned and were assured the school would get to the bottom of the allegation. DISD police say they investigated the first allegation of inappropriate touching last week, but they only know of the allegation involving Prophetessking's daughter, in which child abuse detectives were sent to the school as a result. Dallas police say they will keep them posted as 'reliable' information becomes available. Both mothers are worried because they believe they might not win because there aren't cameras in the classroom and it's the word of a student against an adult. 

This not only worries me, but I don't think it's right that a mother should be concerned about her child's safety at school. Teachers are supposed to be at schools to help you, to keep you safe and teach you. This relates to APUSH because overtime, we've learned how to handle cases like this and we know the process and what to do. We know our rights and how to defend ourselves. In all honesty, this shouldn't even be questioned. 2 girls being violated should immediately get those teachers fired. Hopefully, those teachers get fired and the girls won't be too disturbed and will be able to feel safe at school again. 


  1. First off, wonderful post (not the idea just the physical writing of it) Second off I completely agree, it sickens me to even have to read this and NOT be all that shocked. Its disheartening to read these kind of things and not feel much surprise...

  2. This was such a terrible thing. I think that they really are telling the truth and aren't making this up if there was a witness who was there. I hope they get fired and banned.

  3. Agreed with these two. If a child, or anyone for that matter, feels uncomfortable, they should report it and the source should be questioned and given a consequence. I think they should have cameras or some way to gain proof in the classrooms.

  4. I agree with the above comments and how a student should never feel uncomfortable in a learning environment that they spend most of their day in. Considering the amount of cases like this that have been popping up recently, one would think that more serious actions would be taken to prevent anything like this happening to the young girl or anyone else again.
