Monday, February 22, 2016

UBER DRIVER KILLS 6 PEOPLE Julia Woltjen (3rd period)

Recently a suspect was brought in and tried for the murder of 6 people as well as the assault of 2 people. Supposedly there was no motive involved, and that these killings were merely crimes of opportunity. The man in custody is Jason Brian Dalton, who is a father of two kids and works as an UBER driver. In the middle of these crimes he picked up fares and tried to drive passengers in the middle of his spree. His wife recently released a statement offering her condolences to the family, but no where did she mention her husband or the crimes he committed. I am speechless because of this crime. This man didn't even have any motive for these killings, the only connection was the gun he used.

I find it interesting that even his wife didn't make a statement on his case, and I think this speaks volumes on what may have been going on. There could've been signs to signify that this was going on or that something like this was going to happen. In no way am I blaming the wife for what her husband is being accused of, in my mind its just hard to imagine that someone could one day go out mindlessly kill people without motive. My thoughts go out to both families for what they are going through.

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