Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Rising Sea Levels (Bella Di Fazio pd:8)

Scientists have stated that the odds levels have risen more during the 20th to 21st century than in the past 2700 years. Rising sea levels could lead to islands being submerged into the water over time leaving about 100 million people in poverty. Some European countries and cities are already taking action to combat climate change.

Personally, people should have not brushed this off to begin with until it became an actual problem. Second, we have quick and reliable energy that could power the world without using fossil fuels by putting a large area of solar panels in the Sahara Desert could generate enough energy for everyone.
Then we can fix this problem before it's too late.



  1. putting a solar panel in the Sahara desert is a genies idea !- Bernadette NEgrete

  2. We have always been warned of the effects of nonrenewable resources and how we treat our Earth, but until it actually happens we don't really understand how serious they are!

  3. Climate change is extremely frightening and extremely real, and it saddens me how many people disregard it. I'd never heard of putting a bunch of solar panels in the Sahara desert, but it sounds like a great, albeit expensive idea. But any expense would be worth it if it could save our planet!

  4. I agree. We need to learn to start conserving our earth now before time runs out and all of the Earth is covered in water.
