Sunday, February 28, 2016

Republican Tax Returns - Isabella Montague 5th period

          On Saturday, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz released their tax filings, and are pressing Donald Trump to do the same. However, Rubio and Cruz haven't released their full tax returns, but only two pages, which leave out some important details. Cruz says that Trump's tax returns could be full of secrets and "bombshells". Cruz also said that if his opponents, meaning Rubio and Trump, release their full tax filings, then he will as well. Donald Trump says that the partial releases that Rubio and Cruz did were a "fake transparency". According to the article, the Cruz's tax returns indicate that he has been lacking on his charity, failing to give 10% of his income to the church, even though he tries to get religious votes.

          I understand why people see this as an issue, because people want a president who they can trust and want to know what each candidate does with their money, since it most often reflects who they are as a person. Since 1976, every candidate from any major party has released their full tax returns at some point, so will this break the streak? Mitt Romney released his back in 2012 and Hillary Clinton did last year. Will this year's candidates release theirs?

- Isabella Montague 5th period - have a good day everyone

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