Sunday, February 28, 2016

KKK Attack by Matthew Homsher 9th

Summary: Three people were stabbed at a KKK rally in Anaheim, California, where Klansmen were supposed to consult on the idea of “white lives matter too”. Instead, what resulted was a confrontation between police, KKK members, and counter-KKK protesters.  The police showed up as the counter protesters and KKK clashed, having received a call from a concerned organizer of the counter-protest.  The counter protesters attacked first, confronting the KKK members as soon as they got out of their cars.  Thirteen people were arrested after the fight: six Klansmen and seven counter protesters. Several people were badly injured, including one Klansman stabbed with an American flag. Another Klansman was saved from an attack by an armed counter protester. The officer Brian Levin, who saved him, said, “How do you feel that a Jewish guy just saved your life?” to which the white supremacist supposedly responded “Thank you.”

Synopsis: This violence is crazy, but not unprecedented considering the history of the KKK. What is surprising is that the KKK was attacked by the counter protesters and not the other way around. It seems odd, to say the least. The police officers were certainly put in a tough spot by having to defend these white supremacists from radical avenging counter protesters. In the end, the police made several justified arrests and ended the violence. Also, if the Brian Levin story is true, then maybe there is hope for changing the white supremacist mindset.

For more information, click on the link below:


  1. I'm never going to be in defense of the Klan, but the counter-protestors in this case were just as bad, sinking to the level of unprovoked, senseless violence. They're giving people against racism and prejudice a name just as bad as the racists themselves.
    -Jack Higgins period 6

  2. I can't believe the protesters attacked first, instead of defending themselves people are going to side with the KKK. But there were a lot of protesters and although they all stand for the same thing they all react differently. (Alejandra Hernandez 6th period)
