Sunday, February 28, 2016

California Ku Klux Klan rally ends with stabbings and arrests Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4

This article talks about a fight that happened at a KKK rally in California. Protestors to the group showed up to the rally with numerous anti-racism posters. Fights occurred between Klan members and extreme protestors who were highly against racism and wanted to end the efforts of the KKK. Some witnesses believe that the fight was unnecessary as it brought a lot of commotion, and the KKK members are protected by free speech.

The issue of the KKK dates all the way back to the hatred towards blacks preceding and during the Civil War. Members of the KKK would be involved in lynching of blacks. The group reappeared with the anti-immigration movements of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era where the United States was trying to reserve jobs for natives in the industrializing world. They were extreme nativists and embodied the policies of the Immigration Quota. The issue of free speech that arose at the rally is much like the issue in the Schenck v. United States case that questioned the right of free speech if it seemed to present a "clear and present danger"(as did people who were in favor of U.S. involvement in WWI.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia Browne Period 6
    I am extremely appalled by these occurrences.
