Saturday, February 27, 2016

Buzz Katie Schell (flex)

original: by Azadeh Ansari Feb 26, 2016

A United Nations study warms that the list of our worlds main pollinators, bees, birds, beetles, and butterflies are in jeopardy of global extinction. This obviously means more than just fewer animals/insects around, it means that our world's food supply is in serious trouble. "About three- fourths of the world's food crops depend on pollination by insects or other animals."
Robert Watson, vice chair of the IPBES states, "Their decline is primarily due to changes in land use, intensive agriculture practices and pesticide use, alien invasive species, diseases and pests, and climate change." Most of these contributing factors are man made problems. If our world's pollinators where to become extinct we would be in serious doo-doo.
So the next time you see an insect, think twice about smooshing it and rather thank it for its service. This goes to all the birds and other animals as well, although I don't really think you can smoosh those.

website: press here


  1. This is obviously not a good thing. I wonder what the exact repercussions would be besides just a shakier food supply.

  2. Wow, this is scary. I had no idea that those insects were at risk, and I hope something is done to protect them

  3. good think most americans rely meat more than veggies

  4. Brenna Hale(6th Period)
    I don't want to see the bee population decrease. Even though many people swat at them because they are afraid of being stung, but these "menaces" keep the flowers beautiful and strong.
