Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mykaela Johnson
Period 1
#OscarsSoWhite Controversy
The article I read from CNN discusses the recent #OscarsSoWhite controversy, in particular it's negativity. The lack of African American nominees has got actors and actresses, such as Jada Pickett Smith, boycotting the Oscars. Many have already stated that they refuse to attend tonight's event due to the lack of diversity in the nominees. The article in particular gives somewhat of a timeline starting  at the 1980s of black cinema and its influence on the Academy Awards. The article also includes a slideshow showing all the black actors and actresses who have won Academy Awards, the first being Hattie McDaniel.
Since the controversy started, the Academy has come out and said they plan to carefully recruit those who vote to ensure that their is more diversity within the nominees, according to the video attached to the article. In that video, actor Don Cheadle, makes at statement that I can definitely agree with. He says he doesn't believe that the Academy is purposeful not including minorities in their nominations. I agree with his statement because blacks or minorities in general have won Oscars in the past. In fact, the article includes a whole slideshow of all the African Americans who have won Oscars started in 1940, a time of segregation and discrimination. If someone of color can win an Oscar in that time period, there is no reason to believe it can't happen now. African American must keep excelling as artists and they will eventually receive their recognition in due time.


  1. I don't think they intentionally didn't recruit more diverse range of nominees, but I do believe there should've been more African Americans in the running.
    -Julianne Swaykus 6

  2. I agree with Don in that they don't do it on purpose, but I think it's still a problem, one that I hope they can fix with the solutions they suggested.
    - Isabella Montague 5th period
