Sunday, February 28, 2016

KKK, counter-protesters clash in California -Carli Copell, Ped.6

KKK, Counter-protesters Clash in California

This article is about the recent violence that broke out during the Ku Klux Klan demonstration in Anaheim, California. There was a fight between the KKK members and the counter-protesters. California police officers say that they have seen KKK members protesting throughout Orange County on several occasions, usually handing out brochures and carrying signs, which while controversial, it is protected by the First Amendment. 

Analysis: This is a very controversial topic. There are many people who are against this and some who try to back up the members. I don't think any of this article should be allowed. The KKK members shouldn't be trampsing through town and counter-protesters shouldn't confront them, it will always end bad. If none of these groups existed this wouldn't have happened. This can relate back to times when African Americans first received their rights and the KKK was more active than ever, trying everything they could do to torture and get rid of the African Americans and other ethnicities. It is sad to see that people still believe in stuff like this today.


  1. After all of this time you would think that humans would have evolved past the point of hating a group of people for an unreasonable reason such as their skin color or religion, etc.

    Shelby Linker, 8th period

  2. Angelique Flores 9th- no matter what the situation may be the KKK always has problems following behind them.
