Monday, November 26, 2018

More E. coli cases linked to romaine lettuce; FDA traces outbreak to parts of California -Martina D’Orso

          Recently, romaine lettuce has been connected to an E. coli outbreak that has spread across multiple US states and even Canada. It has made 43 people in 12 states sick and has also gotten 22 people in Canada sick as well. The outbreak has been linked to mainly romaine lettuce from Mexico and California, but the FDA is tracing links back to “end of season” romaine grown in California, more specifically crental and northern California. The FDA is suggesting a “clean break” from all romaine and also saying that distributors offer a date of when the lettuce was grown for the future. Also, they will ne labeling where the lettuce came from, where it was cultivated, etc. This particular strand can be more harmful than other strands of E. coli, that is why it is so dangerous.

          This article was written on November 26, 2018, and I had known about thus topic before reading the article. I did not know the specifics of what had happened, nor what was going to happen as we progressed further throught the outbreak. We can relate this to the extremely impactful E. coli outbreak from Jack in the Box hamburgers where hundreds of people died and multiple were sick. With our fast growing food economy we have no ways to regulate each and every individual item to make sure it is in good condition, so things like this happen, it is smart and good of the FDA to make distributors and producers write the date and where the lettuce came from on the packaging because that will help cut down cases in the future.


  1. I thought it was only salmonella, not e.coli! Hopefully most people survive through this outbreak.

  2. I think this E. Coli outbreak and the complete "banning" of romaine lettuce says a lot about where the priorities of the U.S. government and Health and Safety networks lie (be it positive or negative).
