Sunday, November 25, 2018

Emma Burkey: How climate change could be causing miscarriages in Bangladesh

This BBC article discusses the possibility of climate change causing more miscarriages for women in Bangladesh. Scientists now believe that the increase of the salt in the water, due to climate change, is having an effect on the women and people that drink it. This contaminated water is getting into the clean drinking water that is consumed. The sea levels that carry this salty water are also rising. As of present, the rate of miscarriages aren't increasing at a dramatic rate, but if things continue as they are now the rate will continue to go farther and farther up.

I understand that this article specifically says that climate change could be causing these tragic miscarriages, but regardless this article is very important for the public to know about. Not only does something need to be done about the contaminated water, but something must be done to stop it from getting into the drinking water. I believe the rising sea levels could be evidence that this is climate change, but once again it hasn't been confirmed and the article was published on November 25. The audience of this article, hopefully, is the people of Bangladesh so that they know what is going on very near or right where they are. This relates to the Flint water crisis that began in 2014 in Michigan when, after the switching of the water supply, alarming traces of lead were found in the water. This caused 12 deaths, and ties into the contaminated water and miscarriages of the women in Bangladesh.

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