Monday, November 26, 2018

Avery Corley: Ivanka Trump's problematic emails about government issues.

In 2016 President Donald Trump made a huge case against Hillary Clinton about sending government related issues through her personal email account. This act Trump considered to be evil and unconstitutional, but within the last couple of weeks it has been released to the public that Ivanka Trump (Trump's daughter) has done just that. Trump for quite some time has been concerned with many government officials personal email accounts especially when relating to Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.  With Ivanka Trump's story surfacing to the public I am personally excited to hear Trump's response about the matter.

This article was written on November 20th, by Aaron Blake. The article not only explains the situation but also gives other instances where President Trump has criticized other people for something he himself has also done. For instance, when Trump bashed Obama for not reading his intelligence briefings (which of course Obama made an effort to do), while Trump himself said that he didn't read all of his briefings and said "I will get it when I need it" and " I don't have to have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day".  For me personally if find this whole email situation to be amusing and Im excited to see what will follow. This instance reminds me of when President Andrew Jackson was in office. He ruled America like a king who thought he can say what ever he wanted, and do whatever he liked with no repercussions.

Source :

1 comment:

  1. I find most statements from President Trump amusing as well, because of the lack of common sense and overwhelming amount of perceived authority. It is sad that Trump can literally post one tweet about the economy and the stock market will drop 10+ points in a matter of minutes.
