Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Bar gunman was 'out of control' in high school - Haley Bogdon

This article was about the gunman who killed 12 people at a California bar a week ago.  Sadly, after speaking with one of his high school coaches, it seems that there were warning signs that this man was a danger to society.  The author I believe is wanting the readers to understand that in this and many of the mass shootings, there are signs that could possibly have led to an arrest or some way to stop the shootings from happening if people speak up.  In this case, the gunman even in high school was said to be very intimidating and that there were many complaints to teachers about his behavior.  The gunman's coach even said that he was a ticking time bomb who often lost his temper, threw fits and screamed at coaches.  He even assaulted a coach one time and used his hand to mimic shooting her.  This resulted in his being kicked off of the track team, but another teacher begged to let him stay on, since he knew this would hurt him from being able to eventually joining the Marines.  These coaches didn't recognize his anger, violent temper and his assaulting a coach as signs that he needed help and could be a danger to others.  If they had, maybe he would have gotten the help that he needed and dealt with his anger in a more positive manner.  I hope that people start recognizing these signs and getting people help and reporting them when they see things to try to prevent mass shootings and other violent acts from occurring in the future.




  1. Why do so many messed up individuals decide to deal with their issues by taking other lives?

  2. School shootings are peculiar phenomena. There is nothing that distinguishes a safe mentally I'll individual from a homicidal mentally I'll individual.

    1. I agree. It’s often hard to tell how someone will act when they have a mental illness and the signs may not always mean what they’re interpreted to mean. I feel like every time I hear about a school shooting on the news, people talk about how the attacker was showing signs, but nobody ever acts on those signs until it’s too late.
      -Ryan Mecca

  3. It's very tragic that this shooting could've easily been stopped if he had gotten help.

  4. I agree with your opinion on hoping people will recognize the signs going forward. However, I feel that a big problem with this plan is that most people don't know what the signs are. We are taught from a young age about stranger danger, but are never educated on what to do if someone we do know seems dangerous, or is at least acting unusually.

  5. We need to pay more attention to the behavior of adolescents and consider what is going on in their lives, I feel like that would have prevented a lot.

  6. I agree with what everyone is saying!!!!! These obvious signs should have been caught. Also found it sad and crazy that one of the victims was a survivor of the Los Vegas shooting (wasn’t part of this story)

  7. This story is very sad. Will we never know why people do such things. It is very awful. Great job Haley! -Karsyn Kelly

  8. This is crazy. School shootings have become way to popular. You wrote about it really well and it was very informative.

  9. I am so tired of hearing about these tragic events. When is our country going to wake up and do something about this pandemic?
    -Bryn Bohannan
