Monday, November 26, 2018

Isadora Lilly- Trump is censoring our society

On November 7, journalist Jim Acosta's "hard pass", a credential allowing journalists access into the White House and other presidential events, was revoked by the US Secret Service after a heated press conference with Trump. During this press conference, Acosta questioned a previous statement made by Trump during the midterms regarding Mexican migrant caravan headed towards the U.S., saying: "I challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail-end of the campaign in the midterms (...) that this caravan was an invasion. (…) As you know Mr. President, the caravan was not an invasion. They're hundreds of miles away though." With no reasoning to support his argument, Trump resorted to insults and attempted to silence Acosta: "Honestly, I think you should let me run the country, you run CNN. And if you did it well, your ratings would be much better." Following this Trump called for the next question, to which Acosta asked if he could pose another question, not giving up his microphone. A young female intern attempted to pull the microphone away as Acosta held his arm between her and the microphone. To this Trump responded: "I tell you what, CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn't be working for CNN."  Following this event CNN has sued Trump and other White House officials over the conflict, and the White House has justified their actions, claiming he had "put his hands on a young woman".

Since then, rival Fox News has supported CNN's efforts to restore Acosta's press pass, and this past Friday, federal Judge Timothy K. Kelly ruled in favor of CNN and reporter Jim Acosta. Kelly explained his decision, saying that he agreed with the government's argument that there was no First Amendment right to come onto the White House grounds, although said that once the White House opened up the grounds to reporters, the First Amendment applied. Meanwhile, Trump continued to make excuses for himself, stating that he will walk out of future press conferences if reporters do not act with "decorum".

This can be compared to the Sedition Act passed in 1798 under the presidency of John Adams, which made it illegal to publish anything critical of the government due to growing concern regarding the French. Acosta's press pass has since been restored, and the conflict now seen as a test of press freedom in the Trump era, as Trump has big opinions, yet says little when supporting them.


  1. With the way Trump has been handling the media and public opinion, I fear that it's just going to get worse. Silencing the country you're supposed to be leading over opinions that you should care about is such an unprofessional move.

  2. This is a blatant violation of freedom of press. In this country, the media is the most powerful influencer of society, so muting it basically turns this country into an authoritarian society. The president should not be saying things that need to be censored, so I think that the president needs to check himself before he makes statements that he feels should not be restated to the country.
