Monday, November 26, 2018

Jordan Gillette- Trump believes that neglected climate change and the economy have no connection

Summary: On November 23rd, 2018, the second volume of The Fourth National Climate Assessment, which was created with help from several US agencies and governments, was published, stating that reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and agreeing to adapt to the changes that will happen may change the projections of future climate-change-related catastrophes to change for the better. Trump stated that he read some of the report and is arguing that this only applies to the United States, and that this is more of an international issue than something that is only happening in America, and believes that every country should strive to cut their emissions, especially countries in Asia like China and Japan. When he was asked whether he felt that climate change could cause a devastating hit in the economy, he said, "I don't believe it". Hillary Clinton and other democrats responded to this by explaining how the government was trying to hide this report by releasing it on Black Friday and letting it slip past the eyes of the American people because of the hair-raising facts that were presented within the report like how warming temperatures may hinder the ability to grow major crops like maize, wheat, and rice. Considering how the Trump Administration is constantly pushing and encouraging a pro-fossil fuel agenda, this could lead to hefty consequences sometime in the 21st century.

Analysis: I definitely believe that global warming is real and is something we need to stop denying and start putting in place more working solutions that we have discovered. I do agree with Trump that this is something the entire global community should be contributing to, but I also believe that the Untied States shouldn't step to the side and watch climate change with a smug smile on its face. Though we may be cleaner than we ever were, we should use the technology that we've developed to bring us to that position and distribute it to other parts of the world where there is a desperate need for clean air, like in say China or Japan. Before reading this article I remember Trump calling climate change a "hoax" in his campaign, and that wasn't exactly what anyone needed to hear regarding climate change, considering the neglected critical effects that could be brought upon Millennial and Gen. Z's children and grandchildren if no action is taken. This article was written by the writing staff at BBC (the names weren't listed), and this article was written to once again expose the real, menacing power of climate change to the people of the global community, and that there is no need to hide from it anymore, and there is an increasingly desperate cry to take action as time inches forward. Trump denying climate change can be related to every other time he has denied the existence of climate change and the dire consequences that will come into effect sooner than later if we press on as is.


  1. I definitely wish Trump hadn't disregarded climate change for so long; it will become an irreversible problem in the future if nothing is done.

  2. this hecka long but i definitely agree with global warming being a real thing and the world needs to stop denying the fact that it is cutting it close to becoming unchangeable.

  3. Climate change is a real threat, and we all need to do our part to take care of this world. Humans do heavyily use it’s recourses and pollute it. And I agree that the whole world needs to take part in this

  4. i think the his out of his mind to think this way about climate change. The United States needs to step it up and do more to help the fact of climate change. i agree with rachel that it was long but also very well put :)))))))
