Saturday, November 2, 2013

Deadly LAX shooting: Why did he do it?- Alix Kast

A shooting occurred in the Los Angeles International Airport's Terminal 3, with one TSA officer dead and five others wounded. 23-year-old Paul Anthony Ciancia was the shooter. Ciancia had enough ammunition to "have literally killed everyone in that terminal," said the Mayor of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti. Before he opened fire or revealed his weapon, he walked around asking people if they were in the TSA. If they said no, he simply moved on. He had writings filled with anti-government and anti-TSA rantings. Recently he had sent members of his family texts filled with similar rants. Ciancia was captured after being shot multiple times and was receiving treatment at a hospital on Friday evening. He had more than 100 rounds of ammunition left when captured. 

I had only heard very little about this shooting before I read the article.
From what I can tell, he had obviously not gone through any security checkpoints before the incident. If you have flown or gone through an airport before, the first sort of check you come to is the one where your identification is looked at, and that's before you go through any kind of security or other checks. The man killed appeared to have been working at one of those same stations. Ciancia probably intended to shoot his way through any government workers who got in his way. He may have just gone insane, and he does not appear to be connected to any organizations or groups that might plan an attack such as this. It'll be interesting to see what other information they can find out about him.


  1. this is so scary that people could be walking around with guns in public places, we should have some sort of background checks on who can have guns, and tighten the security when it comes to trading guns or selling guns to people who do not have a license

  2. The fact that shootings are still going on in AIRPORTS, and the fact that we still can't get our security thing together is the most concerning issue on my part.

  3. okay what is up with security? Of all places i would think an airport would be safe. If airports can't be monitored properly how can we possibly except places like to school to have sufficient security?

  4. Why would he go to an airport to do this? If he was planning on actually shooting people he obviously wouldnt get away with it at an airport, so why not just do it where he knows he'll actually see people that work for the TSA. The poor planning sounds like he was trying to get arrested

  5. This story makes me scared. Scared because this could easily happened to any of us. I wish we knew why this man had such hate for people working for the TSA. I mean, the people that work for them don't necessarily make the rules. I wonder if this was an x-employee or what. Either way, this man is such a disgrace. So sad.

  6. This is story is very alarming. The fact that he could just easily walk in the airport with a weapon of mass destruction is very scary. However, the reality is that this could happen anywhere at anytime. I do believe it is ironic that a TSA agent was killed in the incident. Hopefully airports are discussing further safety methods to prevent this from ever happening again.
