Monday, November 18, 2013

"A Return to Wrecked Homes in Illinois" (Melissa Kurtzman, 5th Period)

Summary: On Sunday over 40 tornadoes swept through the Midwest, hitting Illinois the hardest. By Monday morning, 7 people were reported dead and dozens of others reported injuries. Governor Pat Quinn declared that seven counties in Illinois are "disaster areas". The tornadoes mainly cut through the central part of the state, with the most damage located in the towns of Washington, Peoria, and Roanoke. The storms formed when jet stream energy interacting with warm, moist air flowed up from the Gulf of Mexico.

Analysis: It's always devastating when storms like these cause so much damage. It's a good thing that only a few people were killed or injured but obviously it's still sad. I hope that the people whose homes were damaged are able to rebuild them soon.

1 comment:

  1. This is really sad! I don't know what I would do if something like this happened in our neck of the woods. The families affected are in my prayers.
