Sunday, November 24, 2013

Relations with Iran are Improving Sam Smathers 4th

"This Is Bigger Than a Nuclear Deal" by Uri Friedman from the Atlantic 

Commentary by: Sam Smathers 4th 

    It appears that relations between Iran and America are improving as of now. For the past decade Iran and America have suffered the repercussions of horrible communication filled with documents and phone calls made by people that claim to be the President of either country proclaiming false beliefs. Letters got lost in the mail or discredited as unreliable. The Bush administration filled away a peace treaty the Iranians proposed. The overall the communication has been no existent. Through adoption popular forms of communication such as youtube and twitter the Iranian government is reaching out to the English speaking parts of the world by directly telling the story from their side. There is a treaty that was just signed between Iran and America regarding Iran's nuclear power plants that used a huge amount of uranium. This element is highly dangerous and too much of it in one place yields too much power, with enough uranium one could destroy all of civilization. Iran did not like other countries telling them to lessen with their use of uranium, they were just trying to transfer their energy to a cleaner source. 
     I am happy that the communications between Iran and America have improved, and that Iran's Uranium supply is being limited. I do not think that we should not trust other countries, that is not what I am saying at all, too much of any powerful substance such as uranium anywhere is not a good idea. When humanity inevitably draws to its close, I wish that it will be a decision made by the educated most, not by the few, or just by one country. A simple mistake regarding the placement of uranium could lead to groundwater pollution and then the gradual mutation and demise of the human race. I am not in love with humans and the way we behave collectively, but I don't think mistakes and opinions of the few should dictate our future as a race. Uranium is more than a power source, it is the thing that could kill us all. I don't think anyone really understands the magnitude of the power the element holds. Uranium's danger will outlive humanity from its beginnings to now. Meaning if you created a nuclear power plant after the last ice age and then buried those by products, they would still be highly radioactive now. We must treat the future of our world with more care and think about every decision that we make, because right now we could either save the world or destroy it. 

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