Monday, November 18, 2013

Kolina Hocevar period 5 Man dies diving

A New York man trying to set a freediving record died Sunday after he surfaced from a depth of more than 200 feet. Nicholas Mevoli, a 32-year-old from Brooklyn, hoped to reach 236 feet (72 meters) with one breath of oxygen and without the assistance of fins. Competition freediving has an enviable safety record but the sport can never be risk-free, something understood by all freedivers," it said in a statement For thousands of enthusiasts, freediving offers an experience like nothing else"It's a mental sport as much as it is a physical one. One of the beautiful aspects of it is that it forces you to be in the moment. It's almost impossible to be in the water and at the same time contemplating problems. As soon as you get in the water, that all dissolves and you're just there."

This is tragic. I cant believe people will die for just a simple record. Kind of sad to think about.


  1. This is really sad. It appears he under estimated the endurance required to complete his goal. I hope if nothing else, people learn from this.

    McKenzie Hartmann, 4th

  2. This is so scary and sad! I agree with McKenzie in that people in the future should learn from this. -Nia Edwards 5th
