Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pizza Hut Manager Loses Job After Refusing To Open On Thanksgiving

An Elkhart, Indiana manager just lost his job because he refused to be open on Thanksgiving. The former Pizza Hut manager, Tony Rohr, says the reason is because he wants the day off for his employees."They just said it was a competitive decision and that everyone was open, so we will be too. I said, 'Why can't we be the company that stands up and says we care about our employees, and let them have the day off?'' Rohr said in a statement. He has not contacted the company since he was fired.

My reaction to the headline: ?????????????? why
My reaction when I read the rest of the article: !!!!!!!!!!!????????
Basically, kudos to that guy for standing up for his employees, even if it cost him his job. They may even have the day off tomorrow because of him. What he did was thoughtful. We need more managers like him.


  1. I agree. I don't see what the big deal about having to be open is all about. Chickfila is closed on Sundays, and is still a very successful company. I think it is pretty cool that this Manager wanted to be different to set the example. I feel bad for him loosing his job though.

  2. Tyra Harris 5th period

    How sad. Thanksgiving is a national holiday reserved for families/friends to come together and give thanks to their creator. I commend Rohr for letting his employees off for the special day. Hopefully, he can take his boss to court and get his job back.

  3. I think it's great that he stood up for his employees' right to a break for the holiday. I hope the company sees how little one day off would affect their sales and does something about it.

  4. I agree with your reaction. He felt his employees deserved the day off and they should have the day off. Go ex-manager guy!!

  5. Every needs a holiday and a break because it is impossible to constantly be working. People become obsessed with profits and business competition that they insist on working on such holidays as Thanksgiving or Christmas. However, we sometimes get so caught up in our desire to be more productive that we forget that working that one extra hour sometimes does nothing or very little for our productivity (diminishing marginal returns).
