Saturday, November 23, 2013

50 years later, Jackie Kennedy's pink suit locked away from view

50 years later, Jackie Kennedy's pink suit locked away from view
Rowan Barcham

It has been 50 years since the death of President John F. Kennedy. Mourners from around the world came to honor our former president on the day of his assassination. Americans have saluted the former president in remembrance of his power, but one aspect that America will never forget is the blood-stained pink suit worn by the President's wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, on that fateful day.

On November 22, 1963, Jacqueline wore this clean outfit her husband admired, and continued to wear it hours after he was murdered in the seat next to hers. She left the pink suit on because she wanted the "killers" to "see what they have done". 

Today, the suit lives in the National Archives building in Maryland. It was delivered in a box, along with a note from Jacqueline's mother, which read "Jackie's suit and bag-worn November 22nd, 1963". To this day, the suit remains dirty and bloody. 

The suit has remained concealed to the public eye, and it is debated that it will not become visible until the year 2103. The rights belong to the Kennedy family, and the matter itself is rather sensitive. I believe that it should remain concealed until the Kennedys are comfortable with this matter being exposed. The suit does not belong to America. It's merely a symbol of how America was terrorized. 


  1. I agree. It should be the family's choice and while this is a piece of history, it has a deep meaning for the president's loved ones.

  2. I also feel that this choice should be entirely up to the Kennedys.
