Monday, January 20, 2014

Rolex Robbery by Addison Jordan

Summary: On Saturday around 7:30 pm, five thieves armed with sledgehammers broke into Reeds Jewelers, a jewelry store at Wolfchase Galleria in Memphis, Tennessee.  This sent mall shoppers and employees running, as the thieves stole dozens of Rolex watches.

            Employees found cover at the back of the store as the thieves stuffed around 65 Rolex watches into pillowcases. Each watch cost about $11,000. The thieves never directly spoke to the employees, they just took the watches and left.

            Shoppers hid in the mall, which was temporarily placed on lock down status.  Shoppers and employees believed that the thieves had guns and sledgehammers, but officers reviewed the surveillance cameras and saw that they only had hammers. The thieves fled from the scene and remain unfound.  Fortunately no one was injured during the robbery. 

Analysis: Rolexes are very expensive watches and they stole 65 of them. No telling what they have done with those watches. They will probably sell them for the money.  People are very greedy and will get money however they can. I’m just glad no one was injured in this incident.  I hope they are caught and brought to justice.  Stealing is a crime, and even though they did use any weapons, I am sure the employees and shoppers were terrified. 


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