Monday, January 20, 2014

Apple's iPhone 6 will reportedly surprise us all and launch this summer- Sarah Klein 4th Period

Reports indicate that Apple's new 4.7 inch iPhone 6 will launch in the coming months and go into production as soon as May 2014. There is still much speculation about the features of the new model, but according to a Chinese analyst, the iPhone 6 will oddly not have a higher resolution display. Recent reports also say that the new model will have an 8-megapixel camera with stabilization features and a lens upgrade. The iPhone is supposed to be very slim, but heavier than its predecessors.
In my opinion, Apple (and other tech companies) are slowing down the rate at which they change and add new features. Some consumers are angered by that, but Apple still has enough of a fan base to continue selling each new product at staggering rates, even if the attention is not warranted.


  1. At this point, they're kind of running out of things to change to it. There's only so much you can do to an iphone.

  2. I agree with Claire. Like how much more can you add to a phone without it looking likt the others. Not much comment by rhyann 5th period

  3. The higher the number the less change I see. There is little difference every time I see new ones.

  4. The only reason I like this article is because I only buy Apple products every two years and don't buy a new model every year.

  5. I completely agree with Claire. I think cell phone developers have achieved great things with all the advancements in the cell phone industry, and that's great. However, there just isn't much more to do!! I personally don't care to have the latest and "greatest" phone out there. I like having apps and internet, but I think things like voice command, for example, are a bit excessive.

  6. I definitely agree that it seems as though there is not much else one could do to an iphone to make it "better" or more technologically advanced. However, people could have possessed the same thought about, say, a horse drawn carriage and how there is not much else one can do to improve transportation. However, if everyone were to have possessed this thought and did not believe that there might be a better way, then there would be no cars, trains, airplanes. We are forever formulating new ideas or, rather, recognizing patterns that we had overlooked before, and these patterns help us to make advancements.
