Monday, January 27, 2014

Pregnant Woman Taken Off of Life Support - Trey Bihari

In this tragic story, Marlise Munoz, a pregnant woman (22 weeks), was taken off of life-support after she fell unconscious in November from what appeared to be a blood clot. Her husband, Erick, filed for her to be taken off of life support on January 14, but the hospital denied, stating that, by Texas law, a pregnant patient cannot be taken off "life-sustaining treatment", no matter what her final wishes may have been. However, presiding Judge Wallace ruled that Mrs. Munoz was, in fact, legally dead and ordered her life support be terminated by 5:00 PM on Monday (it was actually turned off on Sunday). She was pregnant with her second.


  1. I heard about this the whole situation is heartbreaking. It truly is.

  2. I can't imagine making the choice of taking a loved one off of life support, especially when there is a baby as well. This is such a sad situation and I can see how his choice would cause controversy with some.
